Cruelty towards animals at the expense of the human diet is at an all time high. Meat has become a profitable industry, and farm animals are routinely slaughtered and mass manufactured. Not to mention the overly medicated process farmers use to "beef up" their livestock before slaughter in order to keep up with the human demand for meat products. Not only are humans killing themselves by consuming these chemicals, we are killing the environment by producing.

Believe it or not, most people who make the switch to a vegetarian diet find that they actually discover MORE food they may never have tried before. When meat options are unavailable, it forces you to get creative and adventurous. That is always a good thing, especially when vegetables are involved!

So you're ready to take the plunge. Great! This section provides useful tips to start the process, lifestyle and attitude changes to keep in mind, as well as possible trouble shooting you might want to be aware of.